Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pan-Grilled Lamb, Corn on the Cob, Yellow Green Beans, Spring Mix

>Rosemary Lamb with sauteed Onions
>Corn on the Cob
>Steamed Yellow Green Beans
>Apple slices on mixed greens

I will never be the one responsible for cooking lamb, so don't even look this way. If I don't like beef, then I hate lamb. But the other half LOVES him some gamey heavy rare lamb meat stuff *shivers*

He did learn from a Family friend's Lebanese Cookbook about the good and bad fat. When you cut off the bad then it doesn't taste bad. Either way it's intense for me, and I can only eat small, and very well cooked in fact burnt pieces. And I need some plain veggies to help balance it all out.

Oh yeah shout out to Katy of Creekside Ranch in Esparto, CA. We went in with some friends and bought this lamb directly from them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shrimp & Bean Stew, Cous Cous & Salad

Remember that meal I made for friends who just had a new baby?

Here's how we ate it:
>Shrimp & Bean Stew
>Cassava Cous Cous
>Mushroom and Almond Salad.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cumin Chicken, Cauliflower Mac & Cheese, Kale Salad

>Cumin Pan-Grilled Chicken w/sauteed bell peppers & onions
>Cauliflower Mac & Cheese
>Kale Salad

So this was one of those collaboration meals with my neighbors... which help good eating come easy, because you make one or two items and then someone else makes one or two and voila! Plate. to. grub.
Sarah (who's an amazing cook) made the Cauliflower mac and cheese and I asked her "what's in this?" she said it's with Cauliflower mac and cheese gluten-free pasta & italian sausage and white wine

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shrimp & Bean Stew, Spaghetti Squash & Salad with Homemade Dressing

>Shrimp and Bean in stewed tomato sauteed with onions & veggie oil
>Oven-Roasted Spaghetti Squash
>Side Salad...with oranges & homemade dressing.
(make it vegan, by leaving out the shrimp).

I can't believe it's March already. I made this meal for friends who just had a baby in January, and I asked for a photo, and they sent me one! Yay!

Friend making us food soon after we had our baby, combined with my mom making me anything I requested, was such a lifesaver. So I'm all about it.

Now that our baby is in the solid-eating phase of her life, woohoo! I'm hoping to post some more Kid-friendly & Nigerian inspired meals (not necessarily in that order or that combination). Although really we're kinda feeding her off our plate/pot so maybe not.  Breast-milk yogurt anyone? haha.

Okay. That's all I have to say about this. Until next time.